Choosing Prenatal Care Resources

Choosing an OB-GYN is not an easy task.
In fact, when you start to do your research, you’ll quickly learn just how many providers don’t align with your birthing plan.

This can be extremely frustrating when looking for prenatal care.
I want to note that it is extremely important to find a care provider that aligns with your views and vision.

Generate Your Birth Vision

This is crucial when looking for a care provider.
Birth is a huge transition of life for many individuals.
Research birth. Watch videos of other women giving birth, take note of what they did and didn’t do. If this isn’t your first pregnancy, note what happened during your last labor. Is there anything you would or wouldn’t like to do again? Get familiar with standard practices for prenatal care, research the benefits / risks. You have full control of your care, regardless of what any provider tells you.

DISCLAIMER: All information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice, and does not establish any kind of patient client relationship by your own use of this website. We strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute or any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in the area of your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any medical decisions.

Research The Providers

I recommend searching prenatal care providers near you and researching their hospitals and practices.

Generate a list of providers in your area and note the following:

What hospital does this doctor use?
What is their philosophy and approach to birth?
How long have they been practicing?
Do they accept your insurance?

Interview the OB-GYN

A huge recommendation, interview your care provider.
During the first visit it is absolutely okay to sit down with your provider and break out your notepad with a list of questions.
Write down their answers or if having them speak with you is enough, that’s okay too.

How does your doctor view pain management?
How open is your doctor to natural alternatives?
How does your doctor view access to reliable birth control?
How will your doctor preform a vaginal birth after C-section?
Will your doctor preform an abortion if you need one? (Just 14% (TrustedSource) of OB-GYNs do.
How sex positive is your doctor? (The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says the answer should be very.)
What is your philosophy and approach to birth?
How long have you been practicing?

SOURCES: Rebecca Joy Stanborough, MFA, 10 Tips on How to Choose an OB-GYN Who’s Right For You, Last updated July 28, 2020, Healthline, Article Link, Medically Reviewed By Valinda Riggins Nwadike, MD, MPH

Choosing A Provider, May 16, 2022, Empowered Birth Collective, Article Link


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